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Thana de Campos

Thana de Campos

Profesora asociada EG e IEA

Email: thana.decampos@uc.cl

Áreas de interés:

Bioética global, derechos humanos internacionales, teoría legal y filosofía moral, con intereses particulares en la Ley Natural, la Ética de la Virtud, la ley de salud global, la gobernanza mundial de la salud y el derecho humano a la salud.


Thana de Campos-Rudinsky es PhD en derecho de la Universidad de Oxford y magíster en derecho internacional de la Universidad de Sao Paulo. El año 2017 publicó el libro The Global Health Crisis: Ethical Responsibilities, por medio de Cambridge University Press; y en 2019 co-editó el libro Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law, por medio de Oxford University Press. Entre 2020 y 2021, fue fellow en el Fung Global Program, en el instituto International and Regional Studies en la Universidad de Princeton, donde desarolló su nuevo libro titulado The Rule of Love: Love-Based Governance for Global Health. Es profesora asociada de la Escuela de Gobierno UC. Investiga materias relacionadas con bioética global, derechos humanos internacionales, teoría legal y filosofía moral, con intereses particulares en la ley natural, la ética de la virtud y el derecho humano a la salud. Es investigadora asociada de la Cátedra UNESCO en Bioética y Derechos Humanos.

  • 2022 Global Health Governance and The Principle of Subsidiarity: In Defense of a Robust Decentralization Approach, in International Journal of Constitutional Law (with Mariana Canales). Forthcoming.
  • 2021 Post-COVID-19 WHO Reform: Ethical Considerations, in Public Health Ethics, p.1-14. (published online ahead of print 2021). Doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/phe/phab011
  • 2021 An European Take on Global Public Health: Applying the Principle of Subsidiarity to Global Health Governance, in Journal of Moral Theology, 1, 1, 141-151
  •  2021 Intellectual Property Protection and Essential Medicines in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Promise of Multilateral Complementary Cooperation, in International Affairs, 97, 2, pp.523-37.
  • 2021 Public Health Decisions in the COVID-19 Pandemic Require More Than “Follow The Science”, in Journal of Medical Ethics, 47, pp. 296-99 (with Eduardo Undurraga).
  • 2020 The Stellenbosch Consensus on the International Legal Obligation to Collaborate and Assist in Addressing Pandemics Clarifying Article 44 of  the International Health Regulations, in International Organizations Law. Review, pp.1-30(published online ahead of print 2020). (with Margherita M. Cinà, Steven J. Hoffman, Gian Luca Burci, Danwood Chirwa, Stéphanie Dagron, et al). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/15723747-2020024
  • 2020 The Stellenbosch Consensus on Legal National Responses to Public Health Risks Clarifying Article 43 of the International Health Regulations, in International Organizations Law Review, pp1-68. (published online ahead of print 2020). doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/15723747-2020023 (with Roojin Habibi, Steven J. Hoffman, Gian Luca Burci, Danwood Chirwa, Stéphanie Dagron, et al).
  • 2020 Guiding Principles of Global Health Governance in Times of Pandemics: Solidarity, Subsidiarity, and Stewardship in American Journal of Bioethics, 20, 7, pp. 212-14
  • 2020 The Traditional Definition of Pandemics, Its Moral Conflations, and Its Practical Implications: A Defense of Conceptual Clarity in Global Health Law and Ethics, in Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics,29, pp. 205-17
  • 2020 Do Not Violate the International Health Regulations During the COVID-19 Outbreak, in The Lancet, Published Online: February 13, 2020. (with Steven Hoffman et al)
  • 2019 MAiD in Canada and the Homo Economicus View of Dignity: Inclusive Enough? in Journal of Disability, Religion, and Health, vol 22, issue 3, pp.246-65
  • 2018 Navigating Impasses in Bioethics – End of Life, Disability, and Mental Illness (introduction to Special Issue), in Journal of Disability and Religion, vol 22, issue 3, pp.1-3 (with Lidia Ripamonti and Philip McCosker)
  • 2018 An Ethical and a Legal Challenge in the Mitochondrial Donations Regulations: The Right to Know and Trace One’s Genetic Origins, in Oxford Journal of Law, Policy, and the Family, vol 32, issue 2, pp.170-83 (with Caterina Milo)
  • 2017 Zika, Public Health, and the Distraction of Abortion, in Journal of Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, vol 20, issue 3, pp.443-46
  • 2016 The Wellbeing Conception of Health and the Conflation Problem, in The New Bioethics Journal, vol 22, issue 1, pp.71-81
  • 2015 The Idea of Patents vs. The Idea of University, in The New Bioethics Journal, vol 21, issue 2, pp.164-76
  • 2012 Introduction: Pharmaceutical Firms and the Right to Health, in The Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, 40, pp.183-87 (with Thomas Pogge)
  • 2012 Health as a Basic Health Need – Would this be Enough?, in The Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, 40, pp.251-67
  • 2008 Neglected Diseases, Poverty and Social Exclusion: A Mere Geographical Coincidence? (in Portuguese), In Revista da Faculdade de Direito USP, São Paulo, v. 103, pp.793-830
  • 2007 Compulsory Licensing of Medicines as a Public Health Policy (in Portuguese), In Revista da Faculdade de Direito USP, São Paulo, v. 102, pp.759-96